0203 500 2626 Welcome to Komz We ensure your
business goal!
A business is defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. View
0203 500 2626 Welcome to Komz We are dedicated
to serve you!
A business is defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. View
0203 500 2626 Welcome to Komz Plan business to
achieve goal!
A business is defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. View

System Technology

Developers at KOMZ Consulting use many technologies like Java, Microsoft, Oracle, LAMP, etc.


At KOMZ Consulting, we also manage various digital operations like enterprise services, industry & platform solutions, intelligent process automation, etc.

Digital & AI

With the digital boom, it has become crucial for businesses to have an online presence. Our expertise can guide you in entering the digital world and enhancing your online activity.
About us

About Komz Consultancy

At our digital product and technology development team, we build digital products and cater technology services including Mobile development, Application development, Digital Marketing and e-commerce Solutions.
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System Technology
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Data & AI

Services we offer

KOMZ Consulting is dedicated to developing rich frameworks & applications used for businesses/firms. Our services include web designing and development, IT consultation & outsourcing, application development, EMR implementation, systems/app integration, hardware & networking solutions, and digital marketing. Our skilled IT experts can manage your project life cycle and deliver on-time solutions.

We deals with many services to take extra care of your problem solutions.

Business services is a general term that describes work that supports a business but does not produce a tangible commodity. Information technology is important.

System Technologies

Developers at KOMZ Consulting use many technologies like Java, Microsoft, Oracle, LAMP, etc. for different tasks like application development, mobile development, database development, dynamic website development, etc. Our Infrastructure services, enterprise application services, etc. are known for its quality in the market.


At KOMZ Consulting, we also manage various digital operations like enterprise services, industry & platform solutions, intelligent process automation, etc. With our help, you can switch outdated/ineffective business operations with the latest ones We also identify risks within business processes in your organisation and help manage it in time.

Digital & AI

With the digital boom, it has become crucial for businesses to have an online presence. Our expertise can guide you in entering the digital world and enhancing your online activity. We, at KOMZ Consulting, understand the importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in developing automated business processes/solutions for your organisation.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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