(Mon - Sat)
36 Albemarle Street, Mayfair London W1S 4JE United Kingdom

Oil & Gas

Benefits: Significant cost savings and transformational new solutions in exploration, midstream logistics, retail operations and the management of thousands of oil wells around the world The client have signed a multi-year partnership with Microsoft Azure (Partnership Announcement) to enable their efforts to digitise their oil fields and accelerate deployment of new technologies that can increase Clients, reduce costs and improve the safety and reliability of operations. Implementing Predictive Maintenance across Chevron’s oil fields and refineries will enable thousands of pieces of equipment with sensors (by 2024) to predict exactly when equipment will need to be serviced using artificial intelligence and predictive analytics
Benefits: Improved reliability and performance; improved customer safety and experience; cost reduction Since 2016, the railways in uk has deployed a fleet of Waratah Series 2 trains under its Growth Trains Project. These trains provide more passengers with improved safety and comfort due to enhanced air-conditioning systems, more CCTV cameras and improved accessibility alongside exceptional performance in terms of reliability and availability. As each Waratah train pulls in and out of a UK station, more than 300 Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and almost 90 cameras are silently capturing data and recording video. Every ten minutes 30,000 signals are sent from the train to Downer. Those 30,000 signals represent the train’s digital DNA.

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36 Albemarle Street, Mayfair London W1S 4JE United Kingdom
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)