(Mon - Sat)
36 Albemarle Street, Mayfair London W1S 4JE United Kingdom


Make Your Data AI-Ready

Data is the strongest moat you can build around your business, making it defensible against any competition. The ever-increasing number of digital touchpoints has meant an explosion of valuable, actionable data. It is near impossible to sift through and make sense of this humongous amount of data manually. Artificial Intelligence makes it possible to process large amounts of data to derive actionable insights to accelerate the completion of business objectives.

Data Modernization

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted operations and business models, alike. In such a bleak climate, business prosperity depends on how fast they can adapt to market changes, tweak operations, modify supply chains and distribution channels to keep delivering a satisfactory customer experience. This entails an overhaul of the old ways of analyzing data and forging new pathways to a source, consuming, and interpreting data. Komz deploys a three-step playbook to modernize data collection and management to evaluate preparedness, implement modernization protocols, and install management systems for continuous monitoring and improvement. Typical benefits include a 45% decrease in data storage expenses, 50% quicker turnaround times, and a clear significant ROI in 6 months. Our data modernization portfolio identifies loopholes in supply chains and helps bolster inventory, price points, forecasting, and marketing channels.

Intelligent Decisioning

Going toe to toe with your competitors in a cut-throat marketplace requires agility and an ability to distill key insights from available data. It is fashionable nowadays to position yourself as ‘data-driven,’ but the reality is that few businesses have the technological setup to glean actionable insights from data. They lack an intelligent decisioning system to guide them during moments of uncertainty or chaos into the promised land of burgeoning revenue and profitability.
Smart business leaders have recognized this and have become aware of the need for data-driven artificial intelligence and machine learning-based approaches for decision making. They have realized that they cannot make optimal business decisions for their teams based on gut instinct. They have started relying on AI and ML algorithms to find explanations for past events and predict future events. Be it changing price points, introducing a new product category, or reducing spending in a particular marketing channel, they can now confidently make decisions without second-guessing themselves.
Komz AI-driven Intelligent Decisioning tools can crunch terabytes of data with speed and laser-like precision, recommending the next steps and course-correcting the ship if necessary. It empowers business leaders to have clarity of thought and confidence, both quintessential components of effective decision-making. Its impact can be felt in the following:
Take better decisions at a faster rate
Reduced opportunity cost
Peace of mind
Growth acceleration
GIncreased agility

Komz Consulting’s AI capabilities are being utilized to:

Automagically generate complex models to solve common business problems. It runs rigorous computations on hyper massive datasets and millions of variables to spit out an elegant solution.
Converse better with customers - AI chatbots have revolutionized the way we interact with a business. Marketing and customer support leaders leverage these technologies in their apps and websites to drive truly unique and personalized user experiences.
Understand consumer behavior or why we do what we do. This ranges from the understanding of churn and retention to subscriptions and renewal tendencies.
Deep Learning has facilitated the solving of challenging problems using neural networks.

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36 Albemarle Street, Mayfair London W1S 4JE United Kingdom
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)