(Mon - Sat)
36 Albemarle Street, Mayfair London W1S 4JE United Kingdom


Build a Digital Fortress around Your Applications and Data

Today, consumers and businesses alike are driven by the Internet economy. In such a climate where everything is online, security cannot be an afterthought. KOMZ Consulting’s comprehensive solutions put your security at the forefront, combining deep domain insights and years of operational expertise and technical know-how. Let us safeguard your precious IP and data so that you can focus on the more important aspects like running and growing the business.

Threat and Vulnerability Management

Staying on top of the thousands of new vulnerabilities and threats that get discovered every year can get overwhelming for your in-house security team. KOMZ Consulting’s tried-and-tested suite of vulnerability management solutions can help you identify, categorise, and remediate existing as well as emerging cybersecurity threats. The benefits include:
A consolidated, unified dashboard to view the status and levels of all system vulnerabilities.
On-demand reports to ensure you’re in line with the latest compliance requirements.
24/7 real-time support by KOMZ experts, freeing up bandwidth for your in-house team to focus on the bigger picture.

Identity and Access Management

As your company embraces the power of the cloud, and transitions into the digital economy, old-fashioned mechanisms of identity management grow redundant. In such a scenario, managing identities, access, and permissions assume even more importance. KOMZ’s cutting edge toolkit of Identity and Access Management solutions can help you:
Supplant outdated point solutions with a single identity management platform.
Save costs and minimise the complexity of identity operations,
Improve the overall security posture of the business,

Data Security and Integrity

Data is the new oil. Every day, businesses generate vast amounts of data that needs to be stored securely. Our suite of scalable and trustworthy data security solutions protects your precious data end-to-end with next-gen encryption standards and tokenisation methods. You can classify data irrespective of its state (at rest, in motion, or in use), get alerts in case of a data breach or leakage, and generate data compliance reports to keep auditors happy.

Reputation Management

Governance and compliance headaches rise in tandem with scale and growth in the size of a business. It is now a C-suite level concern and not just a formality to be completed by an intern. Our portfolio of centralised, auditable compliance, governance, and risk solutions ensures you adhere to standards, evaluate current risks, and implement policies to stay in line with compliance requirements.

Cloud Security

Migrating your operations to the cloud? The benefits are manifold, but it comes with a caveat— cloud security. You need to carry out this delicate procedure without compromising on compliance, data/application security, and while preserving the integrity of identities. KOMZ can give you a helping hand here— adopting best-in-class strategies to protect your business across public and hybrid cloud environments.

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36 Albemarle Street, Mayfair London W1S 4JE United Kingdom
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)