(Mon - Sat)
36 Albemarle Street, Mayfair London W1S 4JE United Kingdom


Ensuring Quality In The Digital Age

There is no use in offering the best and latest features in your product or service if it is littered with bugs and crashes. For an expanding tech company, taking care that the product works reliably and as advertised, without any irritating bugs, is critical. The Quality Engineering and Assurance team ensures that users enjoy a smooth customer experience without the product or service breaking down at any point. Komz is reinventing the legacy quality assurance function, incorporating Artificial Intelligence smarts and automation approaches to deliver six-sigma quality and speed.

Business Change Assurance

Quality Assurance is not merely about ensuring the quality of applications. What is equally important is instituting quality checks in various business processes. Komz understands this and devises intelligent approaches to connect quality assurance testing to business process improvements. We employ a three-pronged playbook for this:
Business Process Testing - We have a repository of battle-tested business process-centric QA solutions, built on the back of our deep domain expertise and industry insights.
User Acceptance Testing - Comprehensive utility testing of all the features and flows in your application so that the user is never left frowning.
Assurance for Blockchain - Blockchain QA is the newest kid on the block. We provide end-to-end blockchain compliance and regulatory guidance to ensure your business meets all local and global guidelines.

Technology Change Assurance

As technology comes at the forefront of your digital stack, we assure quality for changes across your entire digital technology portfolio - mobile, social, cloud, analytics, IoT, apps, and more. IoT Assurance - Industry-verified QA solutions for IoT using bots, sensors, and automation in ecosystem testing
Mobility Assurance - Comprehensive quality assurance for your mobile applications, powered by our proprietary automation testing techniques. Cloud Migration Assurance - A full-service cloud migration quality check that guarantees the success of your cloud migration endeavor without loss of data or security

Customer Experience Assurance

We deliver innovative QA solutions that guarantee an exceptional user experience with a special emphasis on performance and usability. Performance Testing - Tests to ensure optimal application performance Security Testing - Addressing security and vulnerability concerns using both SAST and DAST application security testing methods Accessibility Testing - Validating UI / UX flows in your application, ensuring they are as intuitive and user-friendly as possible. Crowd-Sourced CX Assurance - Crowd-sourcing customer experience testing and feedback using our unique tools, device labs, and testing ecosystem.

Intelligent and Automated QA

At Komz, we stress a holistic approach to Quality Assurance by making intelligence and automation key pillars. Quality Insights - Embed artificial intelligence and machine learning functionalities into the quality assurance process and build actionable insights. Automated Business Process Testing - We leverage brand new technologies like natural language processing to automatically write test cases for business process automation. In-Sprint Automation - Scriptless automation in testing enables continuous quality checks of your mobile and web applications in DevOps as well as agile use cases. Bot-Assisted Testing - Customizable robots for QA of human-machine as well as machine-machine interactions in the IoT sector.

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36 Albemarle Street, Mayfair London W1S 4JE United Kingdom
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)